22 types of reference and 50 types of services of state registration have been introduced in "E-Mongolia"

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22 types of reference and 50 types of services of state registration have been introduced in

On March 14, 2022, A press conference to introduce the digital services of the State Registration Agency was held. In October 2020, the Communications and Information Technology Authority presented the integrated system of state digital services, "E-Mongolia". Currently, more than 640 services of more than 60 government agencies have been introduced in this digital system. Among the state services, the most demanded are state registration services, and 60-70 percent of citizens are receiving registration services.

Within the framework of the implementation of the clause "Expand the digital service of state registration" included in the action plan for the implementation of the action program 2020-2024 of the Government of Mongolia, and with the support of the “Smart Government Project”, the General Authority for State Registration provides 22 types of references and 50 types of services through the Integrated system of e-government services /www.e-mongolia.mn/. Among them, 26 types of services and 12 types of references of civil state registration,

13 types of services and 7 types of references of legal entity state registration, 9 types of services and 3 types of references of property rights state registration are served online respectively. 27 of these services are provided by mail.

31325 civil state registration, 20124 legal entity state registration, 14 property rights state registration services, and 2,098,557 archive references, a total of 2,150,020 references and services were provided to citizens and legal entities through the Integrated system of e-government services /www.e-mongolia.mn/. Since digital services were introduced a total of 30.0 billion MNT was saved.

The State Registration Agency has started observing Government Resolution No.230 of 2020 "On Resetting the Fees for State Registration Services" from July 1, 2021. This resolution provides references for free. In this regard, it is possible to save the costs of citizens and legal entities by getting references online and free of charge.

In connection with the provision of services through the integrated system of e-government services /www.e-mongolia.mn/, one-way and two-way postal services are provided by the Communications and Information Technology Authority and Mongolian Post LLC, in order to receive the  required paper evidence by post and returning the registered documents. A total of 90 citizens and legal entities were served by postal delivery. Specifically, 86 civil state registration services, 3 property rights state registration services, and 1 legal entity state registration service were provided.

In the future, we are working to increase the range of digital services and introduce 50 new types of services and 38 mail delivery services.


Partnership and training division of the GASR