The training was held for employees of the GASR in cooperation with the General Authority for Health Insurance

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The training was held for employees of the GASR in cooperation with the General Authority for Health Insurance

General Authority for Health Insurance organized a training today /2023.04.20/, with the aim of providing information to employees of the GASR, and the importance of health insurance and how to use the promotions and incentives that can receive.

A total of about 200 employees attended the training, and the employees of the GASR are attended by in-person, and the employees of the State Registration Departments of the Capital and Rural areas are attended online.

D. Bulgantamir, senior specialist of the Policy Planning Department of the General Authority for Health Insurance provided information about the concept of health insurance, its exploitation and use. At the end of the training, attendants submitted the questionnaire prepared by the host and speaker answered the questions that asked by the employees.


Partnership and training division of the GASR