The archival reference services provided in “100 ail” district will be stopped from November 1, 2020

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The archival reference services provided in “100 ail” district will be stopped from November 1, 2020

From November 1, 2020, references issued by the United Archive of State Registration will be issued at 9 districts of the capital city and 6 Capital Public Service Centers (Dunjingarav, Orgil, Misheel, Dragon, Bayankhoshuu, E-mart (khoroolol)), regardless of their administrative or territorial affiliation.

In other words, 20 types of references from the archives of civil documents and 7 types of references from the archives of legal entities can be issued in person from any districts and Capital Public Service Centers.

Citizens can also get more than 20 types of archival references online through, and ebarimt application. These include archival references to civil, property rights, and legal entity.

Please note that the archival reference services provided in “100 ail” district will be stopped from November 1, 2020.

Partnership and Training division of GASR